Mobile Learning. Potential and controversy embodied in a young scientific field, and arising consequences for future research and practice.

On March 27 and 28, 2012 the conference “Educational Media Ecologies – International Perspectives” took place at the University of Paderborn (Germany). As I was not able to attend in person I submitted a video presentation that can be watched on YouTube or below. The slides can be accessed via the slideshare website, the abstract… Continue reading Mobile Learning. Potential and controversy embodied in a young scientific field, and arising consequences for future research and practice.

Designing Mobile Learning in School Contexts – Considerations and Examples for Practice

Today I uploaded the following text that I have written a couple of weeks ago already to our LMLG website ( The short piece is a result of my recent work on mobile learning. The pdf-file can be accessed here or as text-version below.

Learning with mobile technologies.Teaching approaches and systematic change management issues.

On Wednesday, January 11th, 2012, Klaus Rummler (Uni Bremen), Luise Ludwig (Uni Mainz) and me (LMLG) held a small workshop at the BETT 2012 show at Olympia, London. This is the description of the workshop, contents (links to resources and presentations) can be found below.

Providing continuity for learner centred learning with mobile phones in schools

The following article is a follow up of my presentation given at a Mobile Media Seminar at the University of Aarhus (DK) in March 2008. Seipold, Judith (2008): Mobile learning at the interface between formal and informal learning. Harnessing mobile phones and their modes of representation for curricular learning. Seminar Mobile Media, 10. März 2008,… Continue reading Providing continuity for learner centred learning with mobile phones in schools

Die London Mobile Learning Group (LMLG)

Als Mitglied der London Mobile Learning Group (LMLG) wurde ich gebeten, einen kurzen Beitrag zu den Aktivitäten und Zielen der LMLG zu erfassen. Da von der Redaktion letztlich jedoch ein anderer Schwerpunkt gewünscht wurde, habe ich beschlossen, den Artikel hier zu veröffentlichen:

Sounds of the Bazaar live internet radio at the MLCB conference

Graham Attwell, Jenny Hughes and Dirk Stieglitz did a great job with the live radio show from our MLCB conference which took place in Bremen on March 21 and 22, 2011. The podcast is available from the Pontydysgu weblog. Below is the description of the two shows as well as the URL to the podcasts.… Continue reading Sounds of the Bazaar live internet radio at the MLCB conference