PhD in Educational Sciences, focus on media education.
Recent research was on mobile learning as agentive and meaningful activity in school and everyday life, on the background of a socio-cultural ecology of mobile learning, with a focus on the scientific process of the mobile learning discussion, theoretical aspects, practical implementation, and questions arising within and from the current mobile learning discussion. Further research interests were related to learner generated contexts; “learning” from the perspective of media education; aspects relevant to orientation & reflexivity, media formation (Medienbildung) and media literacy (Medienkompetenz); social semiotics; multimodality & learning.
Experiences as teacher, writer, speaker and consultant, as well as regarding the internationalisation of MA study programmes and the development and administration of international study consortia and MA courses.
After graduation from the University of Kassel with an M.A. in Educational Science, Political Science and Psychology employments as Academic and Project Manager at the University of Kassel; at the Università degli Studi di Firenze; as European Affairs Adviser of the Directors’ Conference of the State Media Authorities in Germany (DLM); associate and project holder at the WLE Centre, Institute of Education, University of London; Lecturer (Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben) at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Media Studies, University of Siegen.
Interests and expertise: media education with a cultural studies background, mobile learning, learner-generated contexts, media formation, media literacy, qualitative research, teaching, academic and project management, internationalisation, media education in Europe.
Further information about past activities is available on this website. You may also watch out for the website of the London Mobile Learning Group (LMLG) for further information on my former work on mobile learning.